Thursday, 23 June 2011

Welcome back/ Sorry for my absense

Omg so ive been Missing in action for way to long :(, I just want to apologize x100.
The reason why ive been gone for so long is that i started this blog, before i started university and found it extremely hard to keep up with the two.
So I decided that my education is key and kinda had time off from the blog :(.
But now I am back and sooo happy to see that I have more followers and lots of views =D,
I have also past my first year of university which I just wanna share with you guys i am so happy and proud that my hard work has paid off.
Any who I am back with lots of beauty treats,Hair styles and make-up tutorials for you guys woop woop 

Love you guys millions 

Friday, 4 February 2011

Thank you

Hey :), I just want to say a HUGGEEEE thank you to my new and old followers, I feel so privileged that you guys think I am worthy of following it means so much to me :D
 So lets keep spreading the word about GlamBarbie blog and get lots more viewers and followers.
If there is anything in particular you would like me to feature on this blog feel free to get in contact with me, I will always reply. 

Love you guy's 

Best Beauty Buy of the Month

Hey Guys :D I apologise for being Missing in action, this semester at university has been so stressful!
I hope you guys are all good :D.
So each month I have decided that I am going to a best beauty buy post, which will consist of me sharing with you guys my best beauty product which I purchased in that specific month. 
 Because were only at the beginning of February I will start with January :)

My best beauty Buy for January was the MAC pigment eye shadow in shade ''Teal'' I've always wanted a peacock inspired eye shadow, I think it does wonders for the eyes.
 Can I just say this eye shadow is amazing, because it is a pigment eye shadow it is highly concentrated and moulds into the skin so you do not have to top it up or put many layers on.
 The pigment eye shadows come in many colours ranging from pink to brown,I definitely recommend this eye shadow.
   The only downside to this eye shadow is if you are not careful it can get everywhere, but this is just a minor issue. Its still FABULOUS 

MAC pigment eye shadow £15.50 
You can purchase this product from any Selfridges and House of Fraser store in the UK 
If you live outside the UK this product can be purchased from the MAC website:)

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

NARS Lipgloss

Hey Guy's and Gal's, as much as I eat, sleep and live for makeup can you believe I have never tried NARS makeup!! 
One of my new years resouloutions was to try a different brand of makeup, ( NARS :)
Today I went to my local Selfridge's store and headed straight to the NARS counter. O.M.G why have I only just discovered this makeup brand, as soon as I walked in I was fascinated by all the beautiful colours, the way how the ladies working in there left me to browse and as soon as I looked confused they came over and asked if I needed any help :) perfect!

 Because it was my first time buying NARS I decided that I was only going to buy something small, so I chose " Perfect Match Lip Gloss " in the shade '' Angelika '' which leaves your lips a cotton candy colour, sparkling silver and gold.
I usually always wear a lipstick underneath a lipgloss because I think that lipgloss has a extremely thin texture, I was so surprised with NARS that this lipgloss looked perfect without needing  to put lipstick underneath RESULT! 
I am so impressed with my beauty buy you guys definitely need to purchase this product.
This lipgloss even has the matching blusher :D  may I just add that these lipgloss's are Limited edition so unfortunately they will not be around forever, that's even more of a reason for you to go on a beauty splurge. 

These are the Shades in the collection; 

•Albatross (luminous glow)
•Angelika (cotton candy pink with gold and silver sparkle)
•Oasis (sparkling pink champagne)
•Super Orgasm (peachy pink with gold glitter)
•Luster (sheer golden apricot)

This lipgloss is available to buy from your local selfridges store at £17.50  or you can purchase it from the NARS website.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

What's going on with me update :D

Hey :), so as you guys now I went to see Drizzy Drake on Friday, Let me just say I loved every moment of it :D:D:D:D ( He didn't call me up on stage though :( ) Needless to say I had a FABULOUS time I love him 10 times more now, ( yes I am a proud groupie )
Sadly I lost my camera :'( so all the pictures I had taken were in vain.
You may or may not know that I have a partner, But things are not going so well with us at the moment he just doesn't appreciate me, last night I was sitting in my bed crying feeling sorry for myself then I thought to myself, '' I'm to fly to be feeling like this boy's suck '' so ive decided that I am not going to shed another tear for him and you know the saying'' If you love someone let them go if they come back that's how you know'' 
I am back to university tommorow which I am so glad about I will be able to take my mind off things :).

So how are you guys? Do you have anything you'd like to share or perhaps some relationship advice I would love to hear from you :D 
Sorry if I've bored you to death with this post but I see you guys as my friends and its nice for you to get a little insight into my life, so feel free to comment away :D

Love you guys 

Pink Lipstick

Hey my beautiful followers/ viewers.
I really apologise for being M.I.A I haven's been feeling very well :(, but it feels so good to be back :).. 
So I've been wearing MAC Girl about town lipstick for quite a while and I decided that I wanted a    more natural look on the lip ( Girl about town can be very in your face, especially when you wear it with lip liner like me Lol ).
 I really liked the Pink Friday lipstick that Nicki Minaj brought out with MAC ( Unfortunately this is not being sold any more), I've been searching around for that same colour lipstick everywhere.
I've always thought to myself will that colour be a bit to bright for me, oh what the heck I found the colour guys and can I just say. O.M.G it looks fabulous. To all my ebony sisters if you feel that you cannot wear a bright/pale pink lipstick YES YOU CAN!!!! :D
I brought the brand ''17'' Lasting Fix shade Dreamy 

Here is the link where you can purchase it from if you want a change of lipstick I highly recommend this one guys. It is a bargain at £4.29 aswell ' PERFECT'

MAC also do a pink lipstick '' Pink Nouveau ''   which I have purchased before but I found that it was  Quite Matte and very pale which wasn't the look I was trying to achieve. But it may be to your guys liking, so here's the link and you guys can check it out for yourselves :D.

Friday, 14 January 2011


I just wanted to do a post for you guys before I left out for the Drizzy Drake concert ( The previous post ) I AM SO EXCITEDDDDDDDDDDD Right I have got to go now my friend is bipping her horn outside, Hope you guys have a lovely evening whatever you do I'm sure you will :D..
 Hopefully Drake pulls me up on stage and whispers sweet nothings in my ear :P ( I can dream )
Anyway I will try and get as much piks as I can to share with you guys and I will definitely do a post tomorrow and give you guys the low-down :D  

Love you and leave you 

Choosing the right foundation

Choosing the ''RIGHT'' Foundation can be extremely difficult and daunting, I have been wearing makeup since I was 14 (I used to sneak behind my mom's back and wear it ha-ha).I am now 19 years old and I started wearing the correct foundation and the correct colour when I was 18 ( Shocking I know!! ). When I started out wearing Foundation I used Maybeline Dream Matte Mousse in the shade cocoa, My best friend introduced me to this as she used to wear Dream Matte Mousse in the shade Sun Beige. I thought finally I can wear a decent foundation which is the right shade for my skin tone ''perfect'', it was a bargain also at £4.99. This was the worst makeup Faux Pax EVER!! 
 The foundation was thick, it looked caked on although I would only use a generous amount, the foundation looked caked on and made my face look ( What's the correct word to use ''PLASTIC'' ). I thought that the foundation just did not agree with my skin, But the same thing happened to my friend.. Anyway needless to say we moved on.
I went into MAC Makeup Cosmetics with a completely blank face so a Make up artist could match me up with my correct colour, I wanted a foundation that gave me medium to full coverage and made me look flawless. 
The makeup artist picked out Studio Fix Fluid SPF15 Foundation in the shade NW47, This made my face look absoulutley perfect, flawless and not oily I cannot stress to you guys how good this foundation is ( Except that I mention it in nearly every post ) I have now been using this foundation for over a year. I always get asked by people what foundation I am wearing and send them off to MAC to purchase it themselves. ( I could have shares in this company haha)
If you are looking for a foundation that gives you a flawless,medium coverage and makes you look photo ready. Studio Fix is the right foundation it comes in a range of shades to suit all skin tones. 

You can purchase this foundation from any MAC Cosmetics store, In the UK it is available from House of Fraser and Selfridge's Here is a link to website so you can purchase it Online :) 

Here is a picture of me wearing Studio Fix Fluid accompanied with; Mac Blot Powder pressed   in shade DEEP DARK £17.50 and MAC Powder Blush in shade DESERT ROSE £17.00.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

My Subscribers

Hey guy's so I just wanted to say thank-you again for subscribing to my blog/viewing, My new years resouloution was to start a beauty blog, but I never imagined that I would enjoy doing it so much  and least of all have people following me :D, You guys have no idea how much this means to me.
If you guys have any ideas of how I could improve this blog or just anything you perhaps would like me to do a post on contact me and I can assure you it will be done.

So lets all work together and continue to get more subscribers/viewers for GlamBarbie Blog 

I am also going to be conducting a give away in the next  couple of weeks so be sure to look out for it :D


Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Cheryl Cole's Beauty secrets

Cheryl Cole has fast become a beauty and style icon, being a member of Girl band '' Girls aloud '' and being a judge on the '' X-Factor, we have had the chance to see the starlet go from strengths to strengths. 
Here is how to achieve Cheryl Cole's look with 6 of her beauty secrets;

1- Cheryl uses Origins spot remover for her skin to keep it looking clear and the blemishes at bay.

2- L'Oreal Paris Glam Shine lip gloss in the colour ''Sheer Chassis.

3- On her hair Cheryl uses L'Oreal Paris Casting Crème Gloss in the shade 550 Mahogany which is a bargain at £5.99 so we can all achieve the red hair trend
 If you have afro Caribbean hair an alternative hair dye to use is, Dark and Lovely in the shade 393 Burgundy Blush £3.99
The colour to buy the extensions in is 99J which you guys can buy from any hair retailer, and prices may vary :)

4- On her face Cheryl Cole uses MAC Face And Body Foundation, which is £22.50 and available To buy Online or your local MAC Cosmetics store. ( If you find this foundation not to your liking I would recommend MAC Studio fix foundation SPF15 £19.50)

5- Too keep her body feeling smooth and soft Cheryl uses Palmer's Cocoa Butter £4.00 

6- On the eyes she uses Bobbi Brown Long Wear Cream eye shadow £15.99  

You can purchase all these products Online if you are having problems finding them, you can contact me and I will give you the link :) 

Up and coming ''HOT'' Beauty Buys

Hey my beautiful followers/viewers :).
This morning I decided to get up early and do a spot of Online shopping, now I don't know about you guys but I've been looking for a make-up product that makes my skin look flawless in pictures. 
So I've been using Mac studio fix foundation, which I actually cannot fault it does keep my skin looking flawless :). ( here's a picture so you guys can see for yourselves )

 However while on the boots website this morning I came across a page that was titled ''Best beauty buys for January'', can I just say O.M.G the beauty cosmetic brand ''17'' Has brought out a '' Photo flawless primer '' which promises to create the perfect flawless base for your make-up and helps your foundation spread more evenly, resulting in using less I hope! It also promises to  keep your make-up looking photo ready. 
 Just looking at the packaging it gets my vote already, although it is not for sale until January 26th :(. I for one shall definitely be purchasing this hot beauty buy and doing a review on it. 
Here is the link to the website so you guys can purchase it when its out or you can wait for me to do a review then make your decision :)